
Monday, July 19, 2010

Powerpoint Presentations

I have just completed the tutorials for using Microsoft PowerPoint and found them to be easy once I recognised the toolbar. This has assisted me to learn about the possibilities for using this tool in an educational setting. I never knew they could be interactive and can see that the side bar within the PowerPoint would allow younger students to navigate around the PowerPoint by clicking on symbols or pictures used as icons. Having previously constructed a Web Quest it was difficult to arrange in an easy to use navigation for young learners such as prep students.

The interactive PowerPoint could be used in an investigation or inquiry learning unit, where children could at their own pace navigate through an investigation or inquiry. This self paced learning style could accommodate various levels of students abilities as extension pages could be included to cater for early or advanced learners. The many learning styles could also be included for with pages that may be linked to kinaesthetic or verbal activities.

Teacher created quizes could be added to the powerpoint but allow the students to navigate around the site and maybe through hyperlinks investigate to find the answers.

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