
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blogging in an educational setting.

Being a digital immigrant I am rather naive when it comes to technology. My children are my first resource when it comes to understanding how to use technology and its applications. It wasn't until I had watched a movie (Julia and Julia) during my holidays that I realised what a blog is actually used for. The purpose of the blog in the movie was to share with the world her personal culinary journey. Just as great chiefs are not born but develop their skills throughout their life, teachers like wise need to learn new strategies and methods to keep up with the digital natives. Blogging is new to my growing technology abilites and is a method of learning not used widely in education.

Applying blogging to an educational setting could allow students in Australia to communicate with students in other countries and replace the pen pal system of years gone by. Not only could blogging allow comparison of thinking and perspectives it could also break down the many barriers facing today's society such as cultural differences. It may be one way to build friendships,understanding , publish work and promote collaborative learning. Through topics that interest students blogs may engage those students who lack motivation in the mainstream methods of learning.

Blogging may improve the reading, writing and thinking skills of learners in the digital age.

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