
Monday, July 12, 2010

My Wiki


This is the link to my wiki, this scares me so much. I find I'm typing one letter at a time very anxiously and waiting for it to disappear into space.

Next I will attempt to explain the difference between a wiki and a blog.
A Blog is an online journal or diary that only the author can alter. Other people may post comments but the author maintains the flow of information along with the direction of the blog.
A wiki is an online working document that is shared by a multiple amount of users who can contribute information, edit and change the working document.

In an educational context a wiki can be used best as a collaborative tool to aid understanding and the sharing of ideas that not only promotes team work but allows the flow of ideas across a broad range of authors. Input may come from any corner of the world but the teacher has the ultimate power to block any unsavoury comments or interests.

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