
Monday, July 12, 2010

My Website


I feel like I have made it into the 21st Century this is amazing! I feel like a kid in a toy shop. Just imagine how empowering this could be for students with special needs. Not only could this give them a voice but allow freedom of expression and allow their creative juices to flow.

The following SWOT is conducted from a teaching point of view
S- Level of enthusiasm
- Cater for diversity
- Available in many locations
- Publish worksheets
- Publish students work

W- broadband availability
- Could be a time waster
- Monitor to ensure quality not quantity
- Not a two way form of communication
- No human contact

O- To publish work
- To improve digital literacy
- To make income from advertisements or sponsors
- Able to upload video, files and pictures

T- Enough professional development to keep up with the technology

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