
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Inspire Me

I have chosen to upload this photo that was taken when my daughter was diving on the H.M.A.S Brisbane. This photo reminds me of the Titanic movie and when I look at the scene the inspirations are limitless. I can see this photo being used to inspire students to write in a creative genre such as a short story. Students may also wish to record a sound track that may accompany the story. The music could be composed of musical instruments or with the aid of a computer based programme like acid studio.
Students may wish to write a movie script of their own or change the course of events on the Titanic and rewrite the script. Alternately they could consider the environmental impact that the sinking of the H.M.A.S Brisbane has had on the local forna and flora. This could lead to numerous science investigations and further exploration of study into similar cases in other parts of the world thereby promoting global citizenship. Students could set up a wiki to share findings, pictures and culminate a paper on future recommendations. What do we want our ocean to look like in 20 years?
This may also lead to the discovery of ocean life forms as students study what animals need to exist in the environment - students could create a picture of a life form that could exist in the picture taken. Once the animal was created they could use photostory to complete a pictorial representation of the various life stages.
I believe photos are cost effective, easy to upload and use for a variety of functions in an educational setting.


  1. Hi Olive,
    I agree completely in that images can be provided as a stimulus for students. I am a visual learner and images such as the one posted in your blog here are so inspiring.

    I never realised how much you could do with one image. Your discussion on how this image could lead to many other investigations was very interesting for me to read. I like how you have thought of a variety of tasks, investigations or activities you could do with this one image.

    It was excellent reading this blog.
    Thankyou Olive.

    Elly Maynard

  2. Thanks for the comment Elly
    I'm glad that this blog was useful for you and provided some ideas that you could use in the future. There are more ideas in the Years 4-9 Practical Ideas for Teachers, ICTS for Learning by Education Queensland (2003) that you might be interested in looking at

  3. Hi Olive

    Great choice of image.

    I agree that images can be such a powerful stimulus for many things across most of the KLA's.

    I also believe that cameras can be used in the classroom for the students to take pictures and actively use them to explain, illustrate and confirm knowledge.

    Students could
    record science experiments
    look for real life examples of mathematics e.g parallel lines, length and width comparisons
    take their own photos for writing stimulus
    record a class excursion.... the possibilities are endless.

    I like your comment about how they are cost effective too. I hadn't thought about that.

    Thanks for posting and commenting on my images blog too.


  4. Hi Juliet
    I agree that digital images can be used across the KLA’s and could also be used to gain information and present knowledge. They are now on sale at Harvey Norman and they start from around the $100.00 mark which is affordable for students such as us and they can be used in a variety of settings. I also like the fact that they provide intrinsic motivation and could be used as a reward in an educational setting. Children could be selected to be the camera person on excursion or within the classroom. Imagine the interesting photos they might take!
