
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Digital story

Hey I just found this digital fairy tale of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' considering that in grade two they are currently doing a unit based on traditional fairy tales I'm sure this site will be useful. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/goldilocks-and-the-three-bears
Have a look and see what you think. What I like is that you can pause and read the text at your own pace or use one of the frames to construct another lesson maybe on characterisation. Or write a new report on the crime scene.


  1. Hi Olive
    I had a look at the site you recommended. It is very good, particularly for low literacy learners and the mix of images, text and speaking would help understanding. I looked at some of the activities on the site and thought the fairy tale maker would provide practice for learners to write in this genre before thay could construct their own tale.
    I looked at some of the games on the site.They are engaging and are also suitable for low literacy learners and esl learners.
    Definitely a site to add to my bookmarks.
    Thank you Olive

  2. Hi Red Zebra

    This is wonderful. Being in the upper priomary this year it is great to see some learning objects and websites that can be used for the early primary students. I am going to keep this website in my list of sites to use as you never what year you may be given to teach. The more tools I have the better armed I will be to engage them!

    You might be interseted in a site I found on E books. This site allows you to read books created by others online and to upload stories students have created. So your students could watch the goldilocks story online and then create their own for others to share by loading it to the site.


  3. Thanks for the link Mrs. Daisy
    The benefit of creating this blog has been the input and sharing of resources as you have mentioned in the above comment. As we are going to become teachers in the same state it is true that we never know what year we are going to teach and collecting a bank of resources will definitely be a benefit in the future.
