
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Movie Maker

This is a little movie that I created using Movie Maker. The pictures are from my personal collection and I imported the music from my collection.

In an educational setting this could be very useful to create a public display to show parents and stake holders a student's portfolio or culminating task. The program is very easy to navigate and the variety of options are available to change the font and colour scheme. Text can be added before, on or after the pictures. Music can be uploaded from various sources such as a CD or Mp3. A voice over can also be added using a headset to record your voice.

In a unit that incorporates the authentic use of digital tools this program could enhance students ICT skills and create intrinsic motivation as students know that they have a wide audience that will access and view their work.


  1. Hi Olive, How clever are you!
    What a great movie, and what a wonderful way for kids to share information about themselves with their classmates.
    I could see this program,and others like it being used by students in small groups to do peer teaching.
    this kind of project would address the criteria in the Engagement Theory Framework as studnets would be required to Relate, Create and Donate whilst engaging in learning that is both authentic and purposeful. We have heard many times throughout this course that it is when we are teaching others that we learn the most.
    The end product could then be evaluated by the students in the class being able to complete whatever task was being taught.
    The proof being in th epudding so to speak!

  2. Thanks for the comment Phillipa,
    I agree that this would address the criteria in the Engagement Theory Framework by Kearsley and Shneiderman (1999. The process of creating the movie required problem solving, reasoning, decision making and evaluation. It also provides intrinsic motivation as the project although personal will be viewed and analysed by a wide audience.
