
Friday, August 6, 2010

YouTube - HIP2B2 TV Show: How to build a parachute

YouTube - HIP2B2 TV Show: How to build a parachute
The YouTube clip that I have chosen demonstrates in very easy to understand language how to make a parachute. It uses the terminology of forces such as gravity and payload.This clip would be useful in science for lower primary to explore how forces work. It could be used to explain gravity and could form part of an investigation or spring board for a technology assignment. Providing students with an example first can allow them to make improvements on current designs and create something that meets the constraints of a suggested payload. It could form the hook for a science investigation into the most suitable string to surface area ratio for upper primary students. Or the payload could be changed into an egg for which students must design a parachute to safely carry to the ground from a set height.

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